October 2020

9 best facts about vegetables and their colors

9 best facts about vegetables and their colors

Phytochemicals present in colored Foods are as follows and these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors:-
Beta carotene:- found in yellow and orange-colored foods
Present in:-
Musk melons, peaches, apricots, etc.
Benefits:- of these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors are as follows:-
1.these are the powerful antioxidant, it has to power to reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, also it is good to keep your eyesight strong.
2..B.Bioflavonoids:- found in yellow-orange colored foods
3.Present in:- oranges, lemons, limes, and sweet lime.
Benefits:- These are rich in vitamin C and it helps to strengthen bones and keeps your skin healthy.
Indoles:- present mostly in green-colored foods:-
Present in:-
Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and all cruciferous vegetables.
3.Benefits:-It helps us decreases the risk of cancer diseases, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin:- Found in green-colored foods
Present in:- Kiwi fruit

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3 best enteral formulas

3 best enteral formulas

Reno care II
Basically, it is used in dialysis state
And sachet it is 52.5 grams provides the following nutrients:-
It contains a moderate amount of protein such as 8.80 grams per sachet
It  is low in sodium about 4.10mEq per sachet
It is low in potassium about 240mEq per sachet
It is low in phosphorus contain about 86.0 mg per sachet.
Nutrient CRF:-
Its composition is near about in 100 grams and provides the following amount of nutrients:-
It provides 7.74 grams of protein
It provides 202.7 mg of sodium,
It provides 288.8 mg of potassium,
It provides 188.8 mg of phosphorus.
Nutrient Dialysis:-
Per 100 grams of these formulas provide the following nutrients :-
It provides 18 grams of protein,
It provides 214.71 mg of sodium,
It provides  27356 mg of potassium,

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 5 best health benefits of white rice

5 best health benefits of white rice

white rice due to the removal of the bran and germ layer enhances the taste, texture, and saving cooking time, hence most people don’t like the taste of brown rice.
in some places, the white rice is fortified with iron, vitamins, and folic acid as well as much more nutrition.
white rice is useful to patients, which they recommended to eat bland and low fiber diet.
folic acid fortified white rice is a very good option for pregnant women.
if someone has a difficulty in swallowing the food, then simple white rice with dal is a better option for them. these are the 5 best health benefits of white rice

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5 best health benefits of probiotics

5 best health benefits of probiotics

5 best health benefits of probiotics   Our human body consists of microorganisms and for balancing these microorganisms some other good organisms are needed. probiotics is a live microbial feed supplement which beneficial for affecting its host animal by improving its intestinal microorganism balance. It is suggested that we should be expanded and including other

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