5 best way for constipation

5 best way for constipation

5 best way for constipation.
fat stimulates the flow of bile and lubricates the bowel. Butter, ghee, cooking oil are beneficial. but fried foods are strictly avoided.
Vitamins:-B group vitamins are beneficial you can take it by adding B group rich foods or supplement of the vitamin B complex.Specially brewer yeast help to the patient for regulating the bowel function.
Minerals:- adding potassium-rich foods and vegetables to the diet is beneficial, by giving coconut water, vegetables soup, or fruits rich in potassium is useful
Fluid:- about 3- 3.5-liter water can be taken for treating your constipation. Instead of normal water hot water is more beneficial. this is all about dietary management during constipation, following these 5 best way for constipation along with these dietary guidelines helps to fix your problem quickly.

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