5 best health benefits of probiotics

5 best health benefits of probiotics

5 best health benefits of probiotics

Our human body consists of microorganisms and for balancing these microorganisms some other good organisms are needed.
probiotics is a live microbial feed supplement which beneficial for affecting its host animal by improving its intestinal microorganism balance.
It is suggested that we should be expanded and including other areas of our body system with these good microorganisms such as-   skin surface, vagina, and respiratory tract which they mostly get infected from the infection.
 hence, the benefits of probiotics are mediated through our gut microflora by the process of ingesting live microorganisms into the human body.
By definition:-the probiotics can include not only live good bacteria but also helps to kill germs, bacteria and keeps your body healthy and working well.
even traditional Dahi and other processes for making fermented foods doing the same work due to these probiotics.
On the other side, probiotics are a non-digestible type of food ingredients that are really beneficial in a limited number of bacteria present in the colon.
The difference between probiotics and prebiotics,  both are providing good health benefits but still, they are different from each other,
here we will discussing 5 best health benefits of probiotics, and the differences in between shows in the below table.
Probiotics                                                     Prebiotics
These are live microorganisms.            They are the source of food ingredients.
                                                                   Non digestible , non absorbable by upper GIT.
They are fermented by colonic bacteria
They help to increases healthy                     they are fermented in the colon only.
gut bacteria. 
They are  resistance to pathogens
 and  increases colonial bacteria             they help to alter colonic microflora into  
                                                                           healthier colonical bacteria.  

along with these 5 best health benefits of Probiotics, we should know its Function and benefits:-

It shows the resistivity towards low pH as well as bile acid.
It has the ability to adhere to the intestinal epithelium, but it does sure that it will not permanently be colonizing the gut microflora.
And they continuously interchange the strain and bacteria.
They have the ability to providing functional benefits to the host.
They show high resistivity against antibiotics.
Once they enter into the intestines they have the strong capacity to induces the level of the host response.
They can be viable after the process of culturing and it can be stored and manipulated.
They can survive in biliary as well as pancreatic digestion.
They are not showing permanent colonization of its colonic mucosa.
They improve host health by balancing intestinal microbiota.
They help to increase the level of production of immunoglobulin A.
They also give a nonimmunological effect.
They help us in improving our food digestion capacity and prove complete pathogens for getting nutrients.
They also help to scavenge the superoxide radicals.
It helps to enhance the level of intestinal barrier function.
It helps to improve brain function as well as relieving stress, anxiety, and depression.
Mostly they are beneficial for treating gastrointestinal diseases.
They can be used for disease preventive and disease managing purposes.
It shows the positive effect of diarrhea.
It helps to fight against IBS, H. pylori bacteria, bacterial infection, diarrhea which is associating with antibiotic effect.
Sources of probiotics:-
For dairy products specially dahi and yogurt, We can use supplementation of probiotic strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in yogurts.
fermented milk products such as
 sour cream
etc. they contain viable microorganisms and also they have an incidental probiotic activity.
pickled vegetables.
 kimchi, and Kefir
Prebiotics and its functions:-
They are nondigestible food ingredients that are not absorbable by the upper GI tract and fermented only in the colon. Its fermentation increases the growth of health-promoting bacteria such as:-
      Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria which help to increases the gastrointestinal tract the approach as dietary fiber and resistant starch.
But they only affect selected bacterial growth. Because they are fermented in the gut microflora, they show physiological activity.
it shows activity on the GI tract and provides these 5 health benefits of probiotics:-
1.It control the  transit time and motility of microflora
2.It helps to the regulation of the proliferation process of epithelial cell,
3.It influence the nutrient bioavailability,
4.It helps the process of modulation of immune function, as well as
 the endocrine function also.
5.If we added them into our food, they show the systemic effect on carbohydrate and lipid, these are 5 best health benefits of probiotics.
other than these 5 best health benefits of probiotics, they help to protect our body from any viral, bacterial infections as well as reduce the risk of cancer development.
The most important type of prebiotics is:-
 Non-digestible oligosaccharide.
 They are the type of  oligomeric carbohydrates, which they help to resistant to hydrolysis with the help of intestinal digestive enzymes
but one important thing is that they can be metabolized by our colonic bacteria.
 And the product of bacterial fermentation is as follows:-
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA),
 also, the organisms increase metabolic energy and growth proliferation.
Normally these carbohydrates are a mixture of oligomeric of differing types of chain lengths.
And these oligosaccharides show some prebiotic effect these are as follows:-
fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or fructans
soybean oligosaccharides such as  stachyose and raffinose
galacto oligosaccharides
 malto oligosaccharides
The Health benefits of these fructans and these 5 best health benefits of probiotics are as follows:-
It helps to mineral absorption,
To help in balancing hypoinsulinemia,
It helps in lipid metabolism
Fructans as Food Ingredients are showing the following properties:
They help to modify the freezing point and moisture content of food,
They show the variable stability towards acid, for storage and processing food.
They have bacteriostatic property
They help to stabilize proteins,
And retain food flavor and its  aroma,
It also shows a changeable effect on color formation,
It can be used as a bulking agent in the bakery.
 good prebiotic shows the following properties along with these 5 best health benefits of probiotics, we also need to know about these prebiotic properties.
 They lack their side effects,
They are nutritional feasible and gives a strong positive effect at a very low dose also.
They shows persist throughout all colon including distal areas,
They have varying viscosity,
They show good storage processing stability,
They show the  differing types of sweetness,
It helps to inhibit the adhesion of pathogens.
Sources of Prebiotics to get these 5 best health benefits of probiotics are as follows:-
They are found in the following food items:-
Chicory root,
Apple, berries,
Onion, garlic,
Legumes, beans,
Oats and
Synbiotics and these 5 best health benefits of probiotics:-
These are the mixture of probiotics and prebiotics they may be in food forms or supplement form.
The combination of these microorganisms helps to improve the level of living organisms to pass through the stomach and small intestine and helps in providing these 5 best health benefits of probiotics.
And it will help to increase their effectiveness in the colonic area.
The best synbiotic combination are:-
fruto oligo Saccharides,
Lactobacillus GG and insulin,
Examples and sources of these 5 best health benefits of probiotics
Fermented milk,
Some types of cheese,
.and yogurt are common types of synbiotic.
Health benefits of synbiotics bacteria and these 5 best health benefits of probiotics:-
Antimicrobial:- it stimulates antigen specimen with a non-antigen specimen and shows immune response towards it.
Allergy:- they help to block absorption of some types of antigens
It prevents the risk of cancer cells growth,
It is most effective in diarrhea treatment,
It preventing the risk of developing osteoporosis
It helps to reduce the level of lipid in blood and blood glucose level.
It helps enhance your immunity,
It helps to prevent constipation
So, take these 5 best health benefits of probiotics and make your life healthy and disease-free.
Until stay fit, stay healthy….!
you can watch our youtube video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjE4Wxs31CE
suggested readings https://nutritionistpujaukey.com/7-major-signs-of-cancer/uncategorized/
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