know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19

know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19

know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19

 We all are taking precautions about preventing ourselves from this infection. But sometimes our small mistake can bring a major problem, hence avoiding safety about preparing food and taking delivery of your ordered foods can make us infected.

So here I will share some 5 easy but most important safety tips which are really preventive from this infection. The first most important thing is that your food contact surface must be sanitizing and hands properly washed before preparing any meal. before discussing know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19, know all about hand hygiene which is listed below:-

hand hygiene:-

before entering your kitchen, wash your hands with soap and water for up to 40-60 seconds

used alcohol-based hand rub, rub up to  20-30 seconds.

take 5 minutes for hand hygiene, before taking any snack or meal in the mouth.

now know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19 which are listed below in stepwise:-


Though covid 19 transmissions not spread through any vegetables and fruits whenever you bring new veggies and fruits at your home,  prepare soap water and dip all the vegetables and fruits in that up to 1 -2 minutes and then change the water and rinse veggies under running tap water. After that leave it on a clean sterilizing surface and then use it do not refrigerator until 2 days


 When you are doing this entire process you must be cautious about your hands, do not touch your body part especially face and hair, after washing all vegetable you sanitized your hands properly. The bag which was used for bringing vegetable must be soaked in soap water for 30 minutes and then wash it.

Step:- 3

The vegetable like onions, garlic, and veggies which we can’t soak in water should be locked for 2-4 days on a serialized surface and don’t use and touch it for 2 days. any packed and frozen food products also leave 2-4 days, in that process if small amounts of viruses are present on the surface of that food product destroy itself.

Step:- 4

Do not eat uncooked vegetables like salad and fruit juices. Don’t eat opened food product, studies have shown that small quantities of viruses can survive on opened and unpacked food products, so bring this like unpacked pieces of bread, biscuits, pizzas, toast, candies, and any sweet dish.

Step:- 5

If you ordered delivering foods from any food services, make sure that they must be maintaining their high degree of cleanliness. When taking food delivery must wear gloves or simply wrapped plastic around the hands and through the outer covering of food and wash hands properly then you can enjoy know  these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19

Bonus Tips to know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19 are as follow:-

Frequently handwashing with soap or sanitizing is a good practice.

Don’t keep raw food with cooked food, avoid contact with cooked food with raw foods.

Restrict your non-essential contact with people as much as it.

Finished your cooked foods under 2-3 hours.

If it possible take omega 3 fatty acids supplements.

Eat a balanced diet doesn’t skip carbohydrates unnecessary, your daily calories needed 60-65 percent of carbohydrate, if a patient is diabetic then carbohydrate serving is must be kept under your observation.

Avoid frozen and packed foods as much as possible.

how to clean or disinfected kitchen top area:-

clean all the surface areas with detergent water.

cleaned frequently touched surface area other than the kitchen platform area.

The bottom line about know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19:-

Coronavirus is not transmitted to any food and food ingredients, but proper precautions are necessary for preventing any risk from that. Actually, viruses may survive only for short time on such types of surfaces. So no need to get much worried about it.

know these 5 simple facts about food safety and COVID 19 and stay healthy and fit.

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