
7 major signs of cancer

7 major signs of cancer

7 major signs of cancer Several dietary and non-dietary factors can increase the risk in the causation of cancer, and these 7 major signs of cancer also based on dietary factors. Some important science-based factors are as follows 1.Many cancers are related to poor eating habits 2.Lack of fluids and vegetables in the diet which […]

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7 amazing health benefits of turmeric

7 amazing health benefits of turmeric

7 amazing health benefits of turmeric Turmeric is used as a medicine is not only in India but also all over the world. Curcuma long has been traditionally used in Asian countries as a medical herb due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer properties. turmeric is a spice and well popular for making Indian

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5 best benefit of flaxseed

5 best benefit of flaxseed

5 health benefits of flaxseed
flaxseed is the powerful Indian spices, which is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids for vegetarian people, not only the rich in omega 3 fatty acids but also rich in a soluble type of fiber which helps to weight loss.it has a good antioxidant potency.it is also known as a superfood. they are many health benefits, good for diabetes, good for the heart, good for weight loss. also, it contains lignans the powerful antioxidant. eating flaxseed powder will provide more health benefits over eating only the seeds.

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20 best ways to treat PCOD

20 best ways to treat PCOD

20 best ways to treat PCOD
PCOD is a hormonal related disorder, in which the male hormone androgen level increases and small immatuare eggs of ovariaes turn into cyst. here is a 20 best ways to treat your PCOD , because no exact medicine is available to treat PCOD even doctors are prescribe only birth control pills follow these 20 ways along with daily exercise regularly and result will be shocking for you.

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