7 major signs of cancer

7 major signs of cancer

7 major signs of cancer

Several dietary and non-dietary factors can increase the risk in the causation of cancer, and these 7 major signs of cancer also based on dietary factors.
Some important science-based factors are as follows
1.Many cancers are related to poor eating habits
2.Lack of fluids and vegetables in the diet which provides vitamin c, carotene, and fiber
3.Excess fats especially saturated fats linked to higher and long term risk of cancer
these are the dietary factors which are responsible for the causation of cancer
Nutritional problems associated with cancer
  cancers result in several changes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fat fluid, and several micronutrients
Major clinical signs and symptoms which are associated with the nutritional status of cancer patients, these 7  major signs of cancer are as follows.
1.Electolytes and fluids
Problems with persistent vomiting associated with intestinal obstruction or fluid loss due to diarrhea
2 association with progressive weight loss and undernutrition
Taste changes or altered food intake
3 Alternation in the Protein, Carbohydrates and fat metabolisms
4 Increases energy expenditure despite weight loss
5 protein-losing enteropathy
6 anemia of chronic blood loss and bone marrow suppression
7 Metabolic abnormalities induced by tumor
these are the 7 major signs of cancer which is related to the nutritional status now we will discussing,
Nutritional Requirement – genaral Guidelines
It is a chronic degenerative disease characterized by cancer cachexia
To prevent progression and promote recovery from cancer, Individual nutritional requirement is as follows, which helps to treat these 7 major signs of cancer.
  Energy:- For preventing weight loss and meet increased metabolic demands, the total energy value of the diet must be increased. calorie density sufficient to counter catabolic or hypermetabolic status and to support necessary anabolism is necessary.
sufficient carbohydrate to spare protein for vital tissue synthesis for an adult patient with good nutritional status about 2000 KCL will be needed. For malnourished patient may require 3000-4000 kcal depending on the degree of malnutrition and body trauma
For, sedentary lifestyle patient energy will be 20-25 kcal/kg
Slightly lean or hypermetabolic patient energy 30-35 kcal/kg
Severely hypermetabolic or significant malabsorption energy 40-45 kcal/kg
The use of carbohydrate and fat is often helpful for calorie deficient patient, the patient who is stressed, a history of diabetes mellites should be monitored for hyperglycemia
Many breast cancer patients gain weight during treatment, muscle tissue is lost while fat is gained, physical activity decreased and energy intake increased.
studies show that increases weight during breast cancer treatments is associated with an increased risk of death from breast cancer.
for that physical activity, as well as healthy eating, is encouraged to maintaining good nutritional status and good for tree these 7 major signs of cancer.
Protein requirement:-
PEM or protein-energy malnutrition is common in many cancer patients .so that additional protein with essential amino acids and nitrogen is necessary.for tissue regeneration, healing, and rehabilitation.
An adult patient who has good nutritional status will need 80-100 g of protein.t The malnourished patient will need more to replenish tissue and to ensure a positive nitrogen balance. For oncology patient Glutamine is suggested for clinical use
Radiation and chemotherapy-induced side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea can lead to electrolyte imbalance. a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may be recommended for patients whose intake is limited for a prolonged period. Vitamin D doses of 400-800 IU helps to protect against several types of cancer including breast cancer.
It increases compensate losses from the gastrointestinal problem as well as an additional loss caused by infection and fever
Hence, sufficient fluid requirement is necessary for helping the kidney rid the body of the breakdown products from destroyed cancer. increasing fluid intake also helpful for protection from urinary tract irritation and inflammation also reduces these 7 major signs of cancer.
Special Tips on dietary management for cancer patients:-
Special feeding method like oral and enteral feeding mode pose fewer problem than do alternative means
Oral diet is amplified with the nutrient supplement for increased protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals.
Enteral tube feeding with several routes of entry.
Parenteral nutrition through central and peripheral veins
Suggested dietary management for some side effects of cancer therapy according to patients’ signs and symptoms and reducing these 7 major signs of cancer in those patients.
* Nausea and Vomiting:- sipping beverages slowly through a straw, small, frequent meals low in fat. Dry toast before arising, salt liquids 30-60 minutes before eating
* Taste alterations:- Experimenting with different flavors and seasonings, the substitution of other protein for red meats.
* Loss of appetite:- high calorie, high protein snacks with small, frequent feeding.
Swallowing problem:- Avoiding highly seasoned foods. liquid feedings or pureed foods, frequent feedings, tube feeding these are the alternative options, adding butter and sauces to foods, finely chopped foods.
Sore mouth and throat:- soft, nonacid foods, blended or liquified foods at room temperature using a straw with liquids.
Bottom line:-
to treat these 7 major signs of cancer, which is associated with nutritional assessment for not suitable for everyone.
 but, feeding the patient by normal ingestion of food and nutrient supplements is more desirable. food should be nutrient-dense,
The texture of food can be varied as tolerated.
salivary secretion is also affected by cancer therapy, so foods with high liquid content should be used.
Diet should be supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides if there is fat malabsorption. when an adequate intake cannot be achieved orally, enteral or parenteral support may be necessary to prevent or respond to malnutrition as well as maintaining the nutritional status and lowering these 7 major signs of cancer.
Patient aware of potentially harmful effects of herbal preparations and megadoses of vitamins and minerals. Because of the risk of contamination, adulteration, fake products, and basic ingredients which are generally not permitted.
Maybe they interfere with radiotherapy and chemotherapy regimes.
Whey protein is beneficial for clinical malnutrition as well as preventing cancer patients from dying due to malnutrition.
Some varieties of mushroom helping for boost immunity and help in preventing or treating cancer these are:-
                  * Ganoderma lucidium
                    * reishi mushroom
these are anti-inflammatory as well as immunostimulant also act as an anti-tumor. It is immune-stimulating to activate certain cells and proteins that attack cancerous cells.
to treating these 7 major signs of cancer you need supplements of nutrition in a variety of forms and flavors may be used for enhancing flavors as well as nutrient density, if the patient unable to eat but gastrointestinal tract can still be used, tube feedings may be needed to provide the necessary nutritional support.
these all about the causes, risk, prevention, and these 7 major signs of cancer which is associated with nutritional status.so if we want to improve our nutritional status, we need to correct these 7 major causes of cancer.

want to get more information on cancer and dietary treatment on cancer, watch this youtube video


suggested readings:- know the health benefits of kalonji:- https://nutritionistpujaukey.com/9-best-health-benefits-of-kalonji-2/health-and-nutrition/

know your immunity level:-  https://nutritionistpujaukey.com/know-your-good-immunity-level/immunity/

want to get more information regarding health and nutrition, follow us on YouTube and Facebook:-


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