5 best uses of chamomile tea

5 best uses of chamomile tea

 5 best uses of chamomile tea

What is chamomile tea..?

 Before knowing these 5 best uses of chamomile tea, first, we need to know about what is chamomile tea. it is a type of tea, which is made up of flowers of Asteraceae family plants.
The main ingredient of that tea is the flowers, these are the tiny – small flowers.
Generally, small dried flowers are used for making tea, it is not suitable for everyone if you suffering from some difficult medical conditions,
then before drinking, you must consult your personal dietitian.
Some variety of chamomile flowers are annual, some are perennial.
The history of chamomile is so long, traditionally they use to as a medicinal herb. hence, this chamomile tea 5 best uses of chamomile tea are due to its medicinal properties.

5 best uses of chamomile tea are as follows:-

1.It is best for insomnia patients and reducing your stress. It lacks caffeine, hence it helps to relax you and help to sleep better. It stimulates your nervous system also.
2.It build up your immunity:- It helps to fight against bacterial as well as viral diseases, and make you stronger. It also prevents the risk of cancer, diabetes, and so many diseases,
it helps to boost your digestive system and fight against so
many gastrointestinal diseases like gas, flatulence, indigestion and nausea, vomiting.
3.It is loaded with antioxidants, that will help you to get glowing and clear skin, drink a hot cup of chamomile tea for your better skin health.
Also, it helps to slow down your aging process and helps to regenerate the new cells and tissue.
It Fights against ace-scar because it has strong anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties.
4.If you having a dark under-eye circle and feel puffy eyes every morning, then camomile tea will be your best friend, you just put chamomile tea bags in a refrigerator for 5 min then slowly put on under eye areas for 5-10 min.
that will help to lighten and reduce puffiness under the eye area. hence chamomile tea makes your eyes look good and wrinkled free also. so these all are these 5 best uses of chamomile tea.
Nutritive value of chamomile tea:-
one cup of chamomile tea providing 2.4 calories, which is not a big issue. 
it providing 21 mg of potassium and 2 mg of sodium, chamomile tea is loaded with antioxidants,
and hence, it shows a strong impact on our health such as it helps to improve our heart health good for digestion and helps for proper sleeping,
it reduces the stress level.

Can we drink camomile tea every day…?

5.Normally drinking 3 -4 cups of chamomile tea every day is considered a safe level but if you are suffering from many medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, lungs, and kidney disorders then you must need to talk with your dietitian.
Conditions like pregnancy and lactation are also affected, no strong data are available on it. But still, avoid drinking chamomile tea during such conditions.
so if you want to get these  5 best uses of chamomile tea then drink this tea every day.
It loaded with antioxidants  which help to improve your heart health by reducing level triglycerides and LDL  also increasing the level of good cholesterol HDL. It fights against free radicals which may increase the risk of cancer.
Drinking chamomile tea is mostly safe for all people but some may allergic to it so they must avoid it as well in some medical conditions and pregnancy.
Enjoy the tea, and improve your anxiety, slow down the process of aging, take better sleep, and get these 5 best uses of chamomile tea.
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ABOUT TEA:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUKMezhnK5Q

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