know your good immunity level

Know your good immunity level

 know your good immunity level

Immunity is not only important to fight against COVID-19 infection but also it is important for your good health, it reduces your risk of other dangerous diseases also, so you must maintain your good immunity level for staying healthy and disease-free.

What is the immunity power and how to work these 5 ways know your immunity level…?

Simply, The power of protection or resistance from infections or diseases. It means that the more the immunity more you have the power to resist against diseases. Sometimes you saw that out of ten one of the people is getting sick fastly as compare to other people it means that these people are less power to resist against any disease-causing pathogens, and fall sick fastly.

  How to know your good immunity level… know your good immunity level.

If you always get cold fast and know your good immunity level:-

Getting cold in winter or rainy season at 2-4 times its common, but if frequently get cold in summer and any season at more than 4 times it means that your immune power is weak and you must increase your immunity. The recovery period also matters, more the recovery period more your immune power weak.

The slow wound healing process and know your good immunity level:-

Your wound healing process depends on how your immune power is strong. Because if u get cut or injured or burn, at that your body provides more nutrient-rich blood to the affected area, so that it will get heal fast, and your body struggle hardly to heal that skin surface area and he put all the efforts into this work. But if your inner immune power is low then the process is slow down, body cant regenerate enough skin and take more time to heal it, that means your immune power is low

Feeling tired and know your good immunity level:-

Not the directly we say that you are feeling tired all the times means your immunity power low, Some other medical disease condition also causes this problem but, generally, your body was deficient from any vitamins or mineral at that you feel lethargic as well as tired all the times that means your immune power is low, When your body is free from any deficiencies disorder, then your body absorb nutrients from your food it makes your immunity stronger.

Gastrointestinal problem and know your good immunity level:-

If you frequently suffer from constipation and acidity, gas, or feel abdominal. fullness then, these are the signs of weak immunity power. These problems arise due to the low level of a good amount of healthy gut bacteria, hence if your immunity is high then your gut health will remain stronger.

If you found these symptoms, you must alert about your immune system, and improve your immune health.want to improve it you should change your lifestyle and eat healthy and nutritious foods, focus on a balanced diet first then drink some immune booster drinks. If the body is not deficient in any vitamins or minerals then ultimately you build stronger immunity no need to drink extra immunity booster drinks.

  Know your good immunity level in the following ways:-

Immunity is not only important to fight against COVID-19 infection but also it is important for your good health, it reduces your risk of other dangerous diseases also, so you must maintain your good immunity level for staying healthy and disease-free.

What is the immunity level…and know your good immunity level simply:-

Simply, The power of protection or resistance from infections or diseases. It means that the more the immunity more you have the power to resist against diseases. Sometimes you saw that out of ten one of the people is getting sick fastly as compare to other people it means that these people are less power to resist against any disease-causing pathogens, and fall sick fastly.

  How to exactly know your immune level…? 

by doing a physical examination and complete blood tests, doctors will help you to determine the level of immune cells and the level of white blood tests.

following are some self-examination test and know your good immunity level:-

1.If you always get cold fast:-

Getting cold in winter or rainy season at 2-4 times its common, but if frequently get cold in summer and any season at more than 4 times it means that your immune power is weak and you must increase your immunity. The recovery period also matters, more the recovery period more your immune power weak.

2.Slow wound healing process:-

Your wound healing process depends on how your immune power is strong. Because if u get cut or injured or burn, at that your body provides more nutrient-rich blood to the affected area, so that it will get heal fast, and your body struggle hardly to heal that skin surface area and he put all the efforts into this work. But if your inner immune power is low then the process is slow down, body cant regenerate enough skin and take more time to heal it, that means your immune power is low

3.Feeling tired:-

Not the directly we say that you are feeling tired all the times means your immunity power low, Some other medical disease condition also causes this problem but, generally, your body was deficient from any vitamins or mineral at that you feel lethargic as well as tired all the times that means your immune power is low, When your body is free from any deficiencies disorder, then your body absorb nutrients from your food it makes your immunity stronger.

4.Gastrointestinal problem:-

If you frequently suffer from constipation and acidity, gas, or feel abdominal. fullness then, these are the sign of weak immunity power. These problems arise due to the low level of a good amount of healthy gut bacteria, hence if your immunity is high then your gut health will remain stronger.

If you found these symptoms, you must alert about your immune system, and improve your immune health.want to improve it you should change your lifestyle and eat healthy and nutritious foods, focus on a balanced diet first then drink some immune booster drinks. If the body is not deficient in any vitamins or minerals then ultimately you build stronger immunity no need to drink extra immunity booster drinks.

5. how to know your good immunity level along with good nutrition:-

when we get ill we often seek good, healthy foods and vitamin supplementation, especially vitamin C and vitamin D. During the illness period prefer to eat eggs, chicken soup, and some citrus fruits, ginger tea is the better option to recover any infection. healthy food choice with adequate sleep and moderate exercise are key factors to increases our immunity level.

what about the immune-boosting diet…? know the immunity level with relation to diet:-

Diet rich in vitamins and certain minerals increases immunity level such as vitamin C, D, E, and minerals like iron, selenium, zinc, and some important amino acid which is present in both plant and animal protein. These types of eating during illness help our body for better performs to fight against any infection. Ultimately we can say that it increases the immunity level.

suggested readings:-

want to know more about immunity, watch this youtube video:-

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