October 2020

best 9 dietary pregnancy tips

Best 9 dietary pregnancy tips

Best 9 dietary tips for pregnancy
energy demands increase during pregnancy due to the growth of the fetus, placenta, maternal tissue. the total overall weight gain during the complete 9 months should be 10 to 12 kgs is ideal. why supplementation is needed during pregnancy:-pregnant lady should be trying to get nutrition from there diet along with they need to be extra multivitamins and minerals for the proper development of fetus. vitamin D Supplement is essential for maternal calcium absorption to avoid neonatal hypercalcemia and hypoplasia. deficiency of zinc increases the risk of fetal mortality hence, zinc supplement is needed

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know your good immunity level

Know your good immunity level

know your good immunity level.
knowing immunity level is very important during these pandemic period. you can examine your immunity level by physical examination as well as by doing blood test. if our immunity is to down then we will unable to fight against any harmful microbes which they attack on our body and we will get sick. more the immunity more is power to fight against any type of infection.

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20 best ways to treat PCOD

20 best ways to treat PCOD

20 best ways to treat PCOD
PCOD is a hormonal related disorder, in which the male hormone androgen level increases and small immatuare eggs of ovariaes turn into cyst. here is a 20 best ways to treat your PCOD , because no exact medicine is available to treat PCOD even doctors are prescribe only birth control pills follow these 20 ways along with daily exercise regularly and result will be shocking for you.

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