9 best facts about vegetables and their colors

9 best facts about vegetables and their colors

9 best facts about vegetables and their colors

The colored vegetables or fruits are a great significance of their properties and phytochemicals which is present in them.
Generally fruits and vegetable categories into five colors main group like, so know about these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors by thire coloure:-
Yellow/ Oranges,

know the color of vegetables and their nutritional value because the pigment present in that vegetables or fruits gives them the color of that pigment. and indirectly or directly the colors of food and their nutritional values.

such as food which is white in color are white rice, maida, and all refined food products. which they are not so good  for a healthy life.

the green coloured vegetables such as green leafy vegetables such as spinach and methi are high in nutrition.

We need to eat colorful varieties of fruits and vegetables every day because each color of food is their unique properties, and their different colors interact with each other to give the benefits which are present in them because of their colors.

the color of all vegetables and food products is based on their chemistry and physics so this is most important fact other than these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors.

This article gives you important notes on the phytochemical which is present in the colored vegetables.
Phytochemicals present in colored Foods are as follows and these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors:-
Beta carotene:- found in yellow and orange-colored foods
Present in:-
Musk melons, peaches, apricots, etc.
Benefits:- of these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors are as follows:-
1.these are the powerful antioxidant, it has to power to reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, also it is good to keep your eyesight strong.
2..B.Bioflavonoids:- found in yellow-orange colored foods
3.Present in:- oranges, lemons, limes, and sweet lime.
Benefits:- These are rich in vitamin C and it helps to strengthen bones and keeps your skin healthy.
  1. Indoles:- present mostly in green-colored foods:-
Present in:-
Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and all cruciferous vegetables.
3.Benefits:-It helps us decreases the risk of cancer diseases, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  1. Lutein and Zeaxanthin:- Found in green-colored foods
Present in:- Kiwi fruit
4.Benefits:- Because it has a powerful antioxidant content and it good for your good vision health it is known as a superfood
E.Anthocyanins and Phenolics:- found in blue and purple colored foods
Present in:- dried plums, raisins, eggplant, plums, black currants
5.Benefits:- It helps to fight against heart diseases and cancer diseases, it has anti-inflammatory properties and it reduces the agieng process.
  1. Lycopene:- Found in red colored foods
6.Present in:-  mostly found in tomatoes, watermelon and pink colored grapefruits
Benefits:- It helps to reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases.
  1. anthocyanins:- Found in red colored vegetables
Present in:- Red apples, berries, and strawberries.
7.Benefits:- It has powerful antioxidants properties and it helps to combat free radicals.
G.Allicin:- Found in white-colored foods
Present in:- Garlic and onions
8. Benefits:- It has to power of fighting against infection and lowering cholesterol and maintaining blood pressure.
H. Indoles and Sulfafones:- mostly found in white-colored foods
Present in cauliflower
9.Benefits:- It inhibited cancer growth. so these all are the 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors all 
So these are some important phytochemicals which is present in the colored vegetables hence eating various colored vegetables and fruits in every meal is beneficial.
these 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors scientifically, the group of some molecular structures present in fruits and vegetables, which are responsible for providing color of these vegetables and fruits. and these molecular structures are nothing but pigments due to the presence of phytochemicals.

the benefits of phytochemicals or phytonutrients are that they lower the risk of heart disease, eating different types of colored vegetables provide different types of phytonutrients, which they help to better health and disease-free life.

those people which they eat dark-colored vegetables mean different types of phytonutrients, have a lower risk of getting heart disease and cancer.

they protect us from these risk factors, hence eating these different colored vegetables is important.

so enjoy each color of vegetables and fruits and get there 9 best facts about vegetables and their colors.

until stay fit, stay healthy……!


suggested readings:-  https://nutritionistpujaukey.com/9-best-diet-tips-for-gerd/health-and-nutrition/


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